City Limits: More Questions Than Answers About the Racial & Ethnic Skew in COVID-19 Deaths


April 25, 2020

“As the rate of new coronavirus cases continues to slow, the picture of its racial and ethnic impact is shifting. The first snapshot released by the city in early April showed a significant overrepresentation of Latinos among the dead, and a more modest skew toward Black deaths. The latest numbers reverse that: the death rate is now higher among Black New Yorkers.

The thread that runs through all the numbers so far, however, is that Blacks and Latinos comprise a larger share of the dead than they do of the New York City population. The latest figures have Blacks dying at a rate of 127 people per 100,000, Latinos perishing at a rate of 114 per 100,000. The rates for Whites and Asians were 64 and 52, respectively.”

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