Support Funding for Breakfast in the Classroom


June 7, 2019

We are extremely disappointed in the Mayor’s decision to cut $6 million from the Breakfast in the Classroom program.

Since the program was enacted in 2015, more than 70,000 additional children now eat school breakfast. Hunger affects one in five children in New York, and the Mayor’s proposal to cut Breakfast in the Classroom will mean even more children experiencing hunger and struggling inside and outside the classroom.

Since Breakfast in the Classroom was enacted in 2015, more than 70,000 additional children now eat school breakfast.

Join us and more than 80 organizations across the city and take action! Today, June 7, through Monday, June 10, support our students by asking Mayor de Blasio and City Council members to ensure this program is protected in the FY 2020 Adopted Budget.
Below are ways you can get involved over the next couple of days.

Call In

Let the Mayor and the City Council know that they must restore and expand funding for Breakfast in the Classroom.

You can contact the Mayor by calling 311 or the Office of the Mayor at (212) 788-3000 and find your City Council representative here.

Below is a suggested script:

• My name is ______ and I want to express my support for Breakfast in the Classroom. The budget must include a full restoration of $6 million and continued rollout of this critical program in schools across the city.
• 1 in 5 children in New York City struggles with hunger. Since NYC rolled out Breakfast in the Classroom in 2015, more than 70,000 additional children are eating school breakfast across New York City.
• Breakfast in the Classroom is the most inclusive way to ensure that all students are starting the day ready to learn, regardless of family income.
• Research shows that when students consistently eat a healthy school breakfast, it can have a dramatic impact on their learning.
• I urge you to fight to restore and expand the funding to Breakfast in the Classroom in the city budget. Thank you for standing up for kids across New York City.


Urge the Mayor to reverse cuts to Breakfast in the Classroom and urge members of the City Council to fight to make sure the program is protected and expanded.
Below are a few sample tweets you can use:

Since the rollout of #BreakfastintheClassroom in NYC, more than 70K additional kids eat breakfast. @NYCSpeakerCoJo @Dromm25 @MarkTreyger718 @NYCMayor – please fight to protect & expand program in FY20 NYC budget! Kids in NYC need your help NOW!

DYK 1 in 5 kids in NYC struggle with hunger, yet @NYCMayor has proposed cutting #BreakfastInTheClassroom which ensures every child has the same access to #schoolbreakfast each day. @NYCSpeakerCoJo @Dromm25 @MarkTreyger718 We need you to protect this program in FY20 budget!

Now is not the time to roll back progress on connecting New York City’s kids with #BreakfastInTheClassroom. @NYCSpeakerCoJo @Dromm25 @MarkTreyger718 PROTECT this program and do not let @NYCMayor proposed cuts happen.

Thank you for your help in ensuring ever child is healthy, housed, educated, and safe.
Other key Council Members to reach are members of the Budget Negotiating Team. You can call or tweet at them by using their contact information below.

City Council Member Phone Number Twitter Handle
Adrienne E. Adams 212-788-6850 @AdrienneEAdams
Robert E. Cornegy Jr 212-788-7354 @RCornegyJr
Costa Costantinides 212-788-6963 @Costa4NY
Laurie A. Cumbo 212-788-7081 @cmlauriecumbo
Chaim M. Deutsch 212-788-7360 @ChaimDeutsch
Daniel Dromm 212-788-7066 @Dromm25
Vanessa L. Gibson 212-788-6856 @Vanessalgibson
Corey Johnson 212-788-7210 @NYCSpeakerCoJo
Karen Koslowitz 212-788-6981 @CMKoslowitz
Rory I Lancman 212-788-6956 @RoryLancman
Stephen T. Levin 212-788-7348 @StephenLevin33
Steven Matteo 212-788-7159 @StevenMatteo
Carlos Menchaca 212-788-7372 @cmenchaca
Francisco Moya 718-651-1917 @FranciscoMoyaNY
Antonio Reynoso 212-788-7095 @CMReynoso34
Deborah Rose 212-788-6972 @CMDebiRose
Helen Rosenthal (212) 788-6975 @HelenRosenthale
Rafael Salamanca 212-788-7384 @Salamancajr80
Jimmy Van Bramer 212-788-7370 @JimmyVanBramer


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