Testimony to the New York City Council Oversight – Impact of COVID-19 on Student Learning and Academic Achievement.

Testimony & Public Comments

January 20, 2021

Daryl Hornick-Becker, CCC’s Policy and Advocacy Associate, testified on January 20th in front of the New York City Council Oversight Committee regarding the impact of COVID-19 on student learning and achievement.

Daryl testified that the NYC Department of Education and administration must work towards more equitable live instruction and develop plans to directly address disparate learning loss based on race and income-level.

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey, between September and November of 2020, Black households in the NY Metro Area were almost three times as likely as white households to report zero days of live contact with a teacher in the past week.

Daryl also testified that vulnerable student populations need targeted supports and intervention.

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