November 7, 2016
On November 22, 2016, CCC submitted testimony to the City Council Youth Services Committee regarding disconnected youth. CCC also testified in favor Int. 708-2015, which would create a Disconnected Youth Task Force.
Disconnected youth are youth ages 16-24 years old who are not in school and not employed. In New York City, there are over 140,000 disconnected youth. Addressing income inequality in New York City must include a focus on addressing the issue of disconnected youth and investing in the programs and services that will help improve the outcomes for this very large population of young adults. CCC’s testimony urged the administration and the City Council to work together to create both a vision and a plan for addressing the needs of youth who are both out of work and out of school.
CCC’s recommendations included expanding employment programs for disconnected youth; expanding education and literacy programs for disconnected youth; increasing access to early education programs so young parents can work; and investing in the programs that prevent youth from becoming disconnected.