Summary Of The New York City Fiscal Year 2020 Preliminary Budget Impact On NYC Children And Families

Budget Analysis & Priorities

February 1, 2019

On February 7, 2019 Mayor de Blasio released his $92.2 billion Preliminary Budget for City Fiscal Year 2020, which begins July 1, 2019.

The Preliminary Budget proposes investments in Fair Fares reduced-price Metrocards; 3-K expansion, strategies to reduce and address childhood exposure to lead; expanded healthcare to NYC residents; implicit bias training for city agency workers; and the Summer Youth Employment Program. On the other hand, the City’s Budget once again fails to fund summer programs for over 34,000 middle school students; does not address salary parity for teachers and staff in community-based early childhood programs; would eliminate Bridging the Gap, a program that added MSWs to schools with high rates of homeless students in last year’s Adopted Budget; and fails to fund key City Council initiatives.

Moreover, the Mayor will be requiring every city agency (except for the public housing authority) to identify budget savings that will collectively add up to $750 million. A detailed plan for these savings will be included in the City’s Executive Budget when it is released in April.

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