Raise The Age Fact Sheets

Issue Reports & Briefs

July 7, 2013

CCC is part of a Campaign urging the State to Raise the Age of criminal responsibility in New York. Currently, New York is one of only two states (the other is North Carolina) that treats all children as adults in the criminal justice system once they turn 16.

The Campaign is urging the State to amend the law so that the court processes, services and incarceration options are developmentally appropriate for all children. To help convey the facts to advocates, service providers, elected officials and concerned citizens the Campaign has developed fact sheets. The fact sheets include: 1) map showing comparing New York to the rest of the country; 2) a fact sheet on the Raise the Age NY Campaign; and 3) a backgrounder that provides helpful definitions.

Note: This publication was published in 2013. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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