CCC Brief: From Birth to Age 12. The (Un)Affordability of Child Care and Out-of-School Care in New York City

Data Resources

October 4, 2023

In this data resource, we report on our analysis on the affordability of child care costs across a continuum of age cohorts from birth to age 12: full-day care for infant and toddlers (ages 0 to 2), full-day care for preschool-age children (ages 3 to 5), and out-of-school care for school-age children (ages 6 to 12) during the week before or after school hours, or on school holidays and breaks. We analyze families’ access to child care and out-of-school care using two measures related to costs:

  • Affordability, which represents the share of families with children who would pay less than 7% of their annual income on the estimated cost of child care; and
  • Child Care Cost Burden, the share of household income child care costs would consume. For more information, please see below, Data Sources and Methodology

We disaggregate these measures by age group, household type, and geography at the community level. We find that while child care costs vary by children’s age, it is a significant financial burden for most New York families with children ages zero to 12.

Download the brief here.

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