Child Care: The Family Life Issue in New York City

Issue Reports & Briefs

May 29, 2000

Last year, United Way of New York City (UWNYC) created a Targeted Needs Fund focusing on three human service areas that directly affect people’s ability to become and remain self-sufficient. Child care is one of the those Targeted Needs. United Way was pleased to provide funding to Citizens· Committee for Children of New York, Inc. (CCC) to conduct an in-depth needs assessment of New York City’s child care system to determine the availability of child care slots and calculate estimates of need for child care. United Way felt that supporting CCC is an investment that can make a clear and major difference in addressing pressing child care priorities in the city. CCC developed a reliable estimate of child care need and capacity data in New York City neighborhoods to assist government and program providers in planning, facility development and resource allocation decisions. We offer this Child Care Guide to policymakers. child care providers and concerned New Yorkers to learn more about the urgent demand for child care and take action to ensure that every young child receives a quality early learning experience.

Note: This publication was published in 2000. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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