May 7, 2013
The New York City Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 proposes to cut over $210 million dollars in City funds from services to children and families, which includes the elimination of over 47,000 child care and after-school slots. Additional cuts include reductions in mental health services for young children, runaway and homeless youth services, child health clinics, raising the price of school meals, among other reductions.
CCC’s New York City Fiscal Year 2014 Executive Budget Chart details the effects the proposed budget cuts would have on children’s programs and services.
For more information about the New York City Budget process, you may also read our one-page guide, New York City Budget 101.
Note: This publication was published in 2013. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.