CCC Summary Of Actions Taken By The City Council To Restore And/Or Fund Services For Children And Families In The New York City Fiscal Year 2019 Adopted Budget

Budget Analysis & Priorities

June 3, 2018

On June 14, 2018, the City Council voted to adopt an $89.15 billion for FY 2019.  The Budget includes many restorations, initiatives and programs that will improve the lives of the City’s 1.8 million children.  Notably, the City Council restored all of the initiatives that have been a priority for CCC.  In addition, the Mayor included additional restorations and enhancements in the Adopted Budget, many of which were advanced by both the City Council and CCC.

The budget agreement includes additional investments in reduced price metro-cards for low income New Yorkers, the continued expansion of 3K, an acceleration of the supportive housing plan, capital investments to improve school accessibility, a baselined increase for emergency food, and a baselined increase to serve more runaway and homeless youth.  The City Council’s tenacity and leadership also led to a Mayoral restoration of one year funding for middle school children to attend summer camp this summer, an increase the number of Bridging the Gap social workers in schools with high numbers of homeless students, 5,000 additional Summer Youth Employment Program slots this summer and additional funding for Nurse-Family Partnership.

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