CCC Annual Report: 2010-2011

Data publications

October 31, 2011

In 2010-2011, CCC helped to restore and baseline $30 million for child abuse neglect prevention and $82 million for child care in the City’s FY’12 Adopted Budget. We worked strategically to ensure that the State’s budget would close underutilized juvenile justice beds, establish funding for alternatives to incarceration, and protect investments in primary prevention. We met year round with elected officials and our eadvocacy network secured over 31,000 constituent letters to state, local and federal policy makers.

We reached 8,000 New Yorkers with bi-monthly e-newsletters, secured media coverage in 126 outlets with 45 direct quotes on a wide range of topics, and launched a robust social media effort. We engaged hundreds of New Yorkers in policy briefings and issues updates and graduated eighteen adults and forty-one youth from our community
leadership courses. We distributed 2,000 copies of Keeping Track of New York City’s Children and trained service providers on how to use the KT Online database. We published Green Carts: Year One Implementation and commenced a new task force to examine the use of WIC produce vouchers at farmers markets in New York City.

Click the Download button to read more about CCC’s 2010-2011 accomplishments in the full report.

Note: This publication was published in 2011. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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