State Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2021-2022

Budget Analysis & Priorities

February 19, 2021

Learn about the priorities CCC is advancing in the FY 2021-2022 Budget session to advance equity and pandemic recovery for New York City’s children and families. 


CCC firmly believes that investments in children and families now are the key to long-term recovery, and that already-suffering New Yorkers cannot bear the burden of additional service reductions.

CCC’s recent study, Child and Family Well-being in New York State: Ranking Risk Across 62 Counties, illustrates just how crucial state and federal decisions will be to helping New York households recover from this health and economic crisis. Across the state, the depth of needs families and children face – poverty, housing insecurity, poor health, education and youth and community outcomes – require coordinated attention.

While we recognize the dire budget climate the state is facing and fully support efforts to obtain much-needed funding from the federal government, we are deeply concerned about cuts and cost shifts proposed in the Executive Budget, as well as additional cuts that may take place without additional federal funding.

CCC stands ready to advocate for federal stimulus funding to ensure that New York receives the aid that the state and New York’s children and families require. We also stand ready to ensure that tax policy and revenue options are aggressively pursued this session. At both the federal and state level, CCC will continue to draw attention to the services and supports children, families and communities need to not simply survive or recover, but to thrive.

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