Marija Drobnjak, M.S.

Senior Research Specialist, Early Childhood & Family Stability Systems

Marija Drobnjak is passionate about building a greater understanding of the city’s systems serving children and families, with a particular focus on early childhood systems that set the stage for long-term outcomes in child and family well-being. Marija leads this body of work by combining research and analytics, including geospatial analysis, with a qualitative approach in engaging service providers, and ongoing efforts to coordinate and collaborate with government agencies to ensure that current and comprehensive administrative data are available. Her work focuses on developing reports and publications that inform and support CCC’s policy advocacy around issues related to access to early care and education, young child developmental services, and the child welfare system, among others. With expertise in geospatial data analysis and mapping, her work also focuses on the analysis of community resources, featured in standalone reports, CCC’s flagship publications, and the Keeping Track Online database, supporting CCC’s advocacy for investments and community supports needed to improve child and family well-being.

Prior to joining CCC, Marija developed and cultivated a range of expertise including policy analysis, quantitative research and geospatial analysis, program evaluation, and project management. She worked at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and consulted and worked with several nonprofits in New York City, Baltimore, and Serbia. Marija holds a M.S. in Urban Policy Analysis and Management from The New School and a B.S. in Geography and Tourism from the University of Novi Sad in Serbia.

Senior Research Specialist, Early Childhood & Family Stability Systems