June 20, 2014
Contact: Elysia Murphy, (212) 673-1800 x18, emurphy@cccnewyork.org
“Citizens’ Committee for Children applauds Mayor de Blasio, Speaker Mark-Viverito and the entire City Council for agreeing to a budget that makes historic investments in children’s services. The budget ensures that all 4-year-olds can attend full-day preschool, all middle school students can attend after-school programs, and a new housing subsidy program is created for homeless families. The budget also provides universal access to school lunch for middle school students, expands the summer youth employment program to 10,700 more youth, expands worker cooperatives throughout the city, invests in city parks, creates an early literacy initiative, restores education initiatives including supplies for teachers, expands the anti-gun violence initiative, and provides summer camp for thousands of elementary school children,” said Jennifer March, Executive Director.
“CCC looks forward to working with the Administration and the City Council on implementing these expansions and new initiatives, as well as working together to ensure all public school children have access to universal free lunch, breakfast in the classroom, and after-school programs. We also look forward to leveraging the administration’s early education summer workgroup to expand access to quality programs for children 0-3 years of age and ensure that all early childhood educators are equitably compensated,” added Ms. March.
About CCC
Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York (CCC) is a privately funded, independent non-profit that educates and mobilizes New Yorkers to make the city a better place for children. Our advocacy combines public policy research and data analysis with citizen action. We cast light on the issues and identify and promote practical solutions to ensure that every New York City child is healthy, housed, educated and safe. For more information on CCC, visit CCC’s web site at www.cccnewyork.org.