Voicing Our Future: A Virtual Youth-led Forum with NYC Candidates for Borough President


October 20, 2021

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Join our YouthAction Members on October 20th at 5:30pm for Voicing Our Future: A Virtua Youth-led Forum with NYC Candidates for Borough President. 

During this live forum members of CCC’s YouthAction group will engage candidates by bringing forth issues young New Yorkers care about.  This forum will include sharing findings from the Voicing Our Future – a survey that collected responses from more than 1,300 young people (ages 14 to 24) across New York City –  and engage in conversations about youth-driven policy recommendations including how candidates plan to prioritize youth needs should they become Borough President.

Candidate & Speaker Information Coming Soon!


About CCC’s YouthAction & Voicing Our Future

YouthAction members are high school students from across the city who research and advocate for the issues they care about. In anticipation of the 2021 citywide elections, they launched Voicing Our Future, a project to collect the diverse opinions from youth across the city about what they care about and how the city can better support them. The group surveyed over 1,300 youth (reaching almost every zip code in the city!) and conducted focus groups with 250 New Yorkers age 14 – 24. You can view the findings from the survey here.

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