Spring 2013 YouthAction Community Leadership Course: Findings And Recommendations

Issue Reports & Briefs

May 7, 2013

CCC’s YouthAction Community Leadership Course (YCLC) students focused the Spring semester on New York City’s Runaway Homeless Youth system and then drafted findings and recommendations aimed at enhancing the system for homeless youth.

The 25 high school students  in the Spring 2013 YCLC spent 10 weeks analyzing statistics, visiting service providers, and hearing from experts in the field. From this research they developed the Findings and Recommendations, which they presented to government officials, CCC Board and CCC staff.

The Findings and Recommendations highlight the need for increased, baselined funding for the RHY system for shelter beds and expanded services. The students also focused on ensuring homeless youth have adequate time in transitional living programs and comprehensive services so that they may become successfully independent. The YCLC also recommends that efforts be made to increase access to affordable housing in New York City, especially for vulnerable populations such as homeless youth.

The YCLC was pleased to see the  efforts being made to provide services designed to meet the needs of LGBTQ youth, young mothers, and victim of sex trafficking. They support the emphasis being placed on preventing youth homeless and healing family relationships.

Note: This publication was published in 2013. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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