PUBLICATION DETAILS Healthy, Housed, Educated And Safe: Recommendations To Make NYC A Better Place For Children

Budget Analysis & Priorities

January 7, 2014

There are 1.8 million children in New York City – the largest population of children of any city in the nation. Over the last decade real progress has been made in areas such as child health, child welfare and juvenile justice. But despite these gains, many disparities remain in areas such as poverty, hunger and homelessness.

CCC stands ready to work with new City leadership to ensure that all children have access to the opportunities, services, and supports that they need to reach their full potential. This transition plan focuses on practical solutions to strengthen the systems supporting children and families. CCC’s recommendations address the following key areas of opportunity:

  • Stimulate Economic Security
  • Promote Community Vitality and Safety
  • Increase Social and Academic Preparedness
  • Encourage Improved Health and Wellness
  • Support Vulnerable Children

The data in this plan comes from Keeping Track of New York City’s Children database, which is the most extensive collection available on the status of children in our city. The recommendations stem from CCC’s research and analysis of public programs, budgets and legislation concerning children and families.

Note: This publication was published in 2014. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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