CCC joined 13 other organizations in writing a letter notifying New York City to clarify questions regarding the essential needs of the human services sector in response to COVID-19
The undersigned groups pressed city officials to act and answer key questions such as:
- Agree to pay contracted human services providers their full budgeted expenses through the end of the fiscal year even if they are unable meet their contractual obligations due to this public health crisis.
- Create and keep current a public list of contracted services that show what is essential and what should close
- For programs that are expected to remain open or operate in some capacity, direct resources immediately so that they can operate safely
- City support – both financial and logistical – to deal with congregate facilities that have COVID-19 cases
- Relieve stress on the sector
- Immediately paying all outstanding invoices and halt recoupments on advances to promote cash flow; suspend all pre-audits of invoices
- Stopping audits and suspending RFP deadlines
- Trust human services providers to keep appropriate documentation of expenses and do not require different documentation
- Give immediate interest free loans to ensure there is enough cash on hand to pay to staff so these New Yorkers can continue to live safely and provide for their families