Housing Subsidies: One Key To Addressing Homelessness In New York City

Issue Reports & Briefs

January 7, 2014

Since New York City eliminated its large-scale housing subsidy program, the number of children and families living in homeless shelters has increased dramatically and families are staying in the shelter system for longer lengths of time. Currently, over 22,000 children living in homeless shelters, with an average stay of 405 days.

While resolving New York City’s homelessness problem will require a multi-faceted approach, a key component needs to be a creating a new rental subsidy program to assist families secure permanent housing.

CCC’s report, Housing Subsidies: One Key to Addressing Homelessness in New York City, documents past and current subsidies programs and recommends that the City work with the State to develop a new rental subsidy program that is responsive to the varying level of needs of homeless families in terms of subsidy length, amount and program participation requirements.

CCC’s issue brief is based on a review of housing subsidy programs that have existed in New York City, as well as a review of national best practices.

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