Child and Family Well-being in New York State

Data Resources

January 17, 2023

Child and family well-being encompasses economic and housing security, health and educational opportunities, and age-specific and community-based supports. Based on the composite index of 18 indicators of well-being, New York’s counties are ranked from 1 (greatest barriers to well-being) to 62 (fewest barriers to well-being) in each domain and overall. This approach offers a starting point for identifying inequalities across counties to inform an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. While there are important differences between counties, barriers to well-being exist in every county, and so too do opportunities to overcome them.

Clicking on “Download the publication” will open the entire publication as a PDF; “Download the section” will open a specific section of the report as a PDF; and the Geographic Profiles offer access to a PDF with data for each of the 62 counties.

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