June 26, 2014
The City Council and the Mayor negotiated an Adopted Budget for City Fiscal Year 2015 that includes many restorations, new initiatives and programs that will improve the lives of the City’s over 1.8 million children.
The Adopted Budget includes a number of key initiatives created by the de Blasio Administration including full-day pre-kindergarten for all 4-year olds, after-school programs for middle school students and the creation of a new housing subsidy program. In addition, the Administration added funding for new services including $1.5 million for health and mental health services in detention, $3.4 million for an additional 100 shelter beds for runaway and homeless, $2.1 million for a new Center for Health Equity to target health disparities, and funding to implement the Vision Zero Traffic Safety Plan.
The Adopted Budget also includes key restorations and initiatives added by the City Council including funding for food stamps in farmers’ markets, an early literacy program, additional funding for mental health services for children under five, free lunch for middle school students, summer camp for 22,000 elementary school children, and 10,640 additional Summer Youth Employment slots.
CCC’s Summary of the New York City Fiscal Year 2015 Adopted Budget provides a complete summary of all of the actions taken by the City Council and the Administration to restore, baseline and add resources for children and families.
Note: This publication was published in 2014. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.