CCC’s New York City Budget Recommendations For City Fiscal Year 2019

Budget Analysis & Priorities

May 4, 2018

CCC responded to the New York City Fiscal Year Executive Budget proposals with Budget Recommendations for the Mayor and the City Council.  These budget recommendations focus on going further to make New York City a better place to be a child.

CCC once again urged the Administration and the City Council to negotiate a budget that restores and baselines summer camp programs for over 34,000 middle school students and elementary after-school programs for 9,000 children; creates salary parity in the early education system; and increases funding for emergency food programs.

CCC also urged the Administration and the City Council to make a number of additional investments to promote the well-being of homeless children and their families; strengthen health and mental health programs for children; strengthen the child welfare system; and create reduced price MetroCards for low-income New Yorkers.

CCC also urged the Council to reject the Executive Budget proposal to add funding to the Department of Corrections to supervise youth in juvenile detention as part of raise the age implementation as CCC continues to believe these staff should not be in juvenile detention facilities.  CCC also urged the City Council and the Administration to modify the proposals to add funding for one year only to the Summer Youth Employment Program minimum wage increase and Bridging the Gap program of social workers in schools with high levels of homeless students- and to instead baseline funding.

Finally, CCC urged the City Council the Administration to restore a number of City Council initiates that strengthen child and family well-being including EBTs in farmers’ markets, City’s First Readers and funding for children in homeless shelters.

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