CCC Testimony: Oversight: Challenges Facing Nonprofits in City Contracting

Testimony & Public Comments

April 4, 2016

CCC testified before the New York City Council Contracts Committee on April 4, 2016 regarding challenges facing nonprofits in city contracting. This hearing was particularly timely given the recent release of the Human Service Council’s (HSC) report, New York Nonprofits in the Aftermath of FEGS: A Call to Action. CCC, an HSC Board Member, appreciates the tremendous work that HSC has done to document the needs and advocate for the non-profit sector, including the release of the report. This report documents the challenges facing the nonprofit sector and makes important recommendations for not only strengthening nonprofits, but ensuring their future. It is important to note that CCC does not accept any government funding and thus has NO contracts with New York City (or any other level of government.) That said, we were compelled to testify because thousands of children and families receive critical services from the City’s nonprofits. These programs and services ran the gamut and include child care, foster care, child abuse prevention, homeless services, supportive housing, after-school programs, mental health services, health services, summer programs, and tax filing assistance. Thousands of children and families, particularly the most vulnerable, rely on these programs for economic security, housing, child care, education and safety. Many of these programs, such as homeless shelters and foster care, are functions that have been transferred from government to the nonprofit sector at a cost-savings to the City. Read more by downloading our full testimony.



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