March 7, 2014
CCC testified about the Preliminary Budget proposals related to mental health services for children and families at the City Council Finance and Mental Health Committees Hearing on March 27, 2014.
Our testimony applauded the baselining of funds for mental health services, including mental health services for children under 5, mental health contracts, the Suicide Prevention Hotline, and the Autism Awareness Initiative, but also noted that the contracts for these programs expire on June 30, 2014. CCC also supported the Preliminary Budget proposal to restore and baseline nearly $4.4 million for mental health contracts.
CCC urged the Council to work with the Administration to ensure the continued provision of high quality care without disruption for children, by extending the contracts for all of the programs previously funded by the City Council for one year, to give the administration time to develop the procurement plan that gives priority to current quality programs and prevents service disruption.
In addition, CCC made several recommendations for the Administration to expand the mental health infrastructure for children, youth and families and urged the City Council to support these priorities. These recommendations included financially stabilizing and supporting school-based mental health clinics and expanding the use of behavioral intervention programs in schools.