CCC Community Risk Rank 2015

Data Resources

January 29, 2015

It has been more than 20 years since CCCfirst began collecting and compiling data on the well-being of children in New York City. Since the beginning, CCC’scommunity risk rankings have been an important and unique aspect of our KeepingTrackdata program.
Research tells us that multiple risk factors have cumulative negativeeffects on child development and well-being.
Our community risk ranking combines data from across multiple dimensions of child well-being- economic security, health, housing, education, issues specific to teens and youths, and family and community- to provide us with a better understanding of where risks to child well-being concentrate within our diverse city. This year CCChas refined the methodology for our community risk ranking to make it clearer and easier to understand, more easily replicable, and comparable over time. Our new methodology draws from research and best practices for social indicators and composite index creation, as well as our own unique understanding of children’s issues and child well-being in New York City.

Note: This publication was published in 2015. Language used in CCC products continues to evolve over time. Words used when this was published could be out of date and/or incorrectly frame an issue area when compared to today's standards.

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