Cuts to Childrens’ and Youth Services Will Cause Irreparable Harm and Negatively Impact the City’s Recovery

Digital Briefs

December 7, 2023

The most recent modification to the FY’24 city budget (known as the November Budget Modification) proposes a devastating future for New York’s children and families. The November Budget Modification includes over $7.5 billion in cuts to City Tax Levy funding, including $1.7 billion in reductions in the current FY’24 fiscal year and $1.9 billion in each of the outyears FY’25-FY’27. The information that follows demonstrates that the November Budget Modification could result in the loss of anywhere between 6,000 and 10,000 ECE slots and over 3,500 slots in COMPASS Afterschool. Concerningly, action taken in the proposed November Budget Modification represents only one third of a 15% reduction anticipated as the Mayor releases the Preliminary and Executive Budgets for FY’25.

Current and outyear reductions proposed in the November Budget Modification fall heavily on vital resources New Yorkers rely upon which are essential both to family households and to the City’s economic recovery. These cuts target social services, early care and education and youth services, health services and hospital systems, among many others. As many of the largest reductions will occur in the outyears, there is also little to no opportunity for a full public debate or negotiations on restorations or alternative savings plans. We stand with our peers in the non-profit sector and advocate to reject efforts to cut so deeply; we believe the reductions will have a chilling effect on the well-being of New York families and the City’s ability to recover.

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